Sunday, 12 July 2009

Blast from the past - 1990's

Hayley Millington, now ART DIRECTOR at 'K2 the salon' and more recently reached the finals of the Wella Trend Vision Awards 2009, talks about her modern apprenticeship in an information pack created by the careers service and distributed to year 11s in the 1990s .

cameo owned by Philip Minton is now known as K2 the Salon

"When I was about 13 -14 I knew that hairdressing was what i wanted to do, and got a saturday job at Cameo.
I first heard about Modern Apprenterships on school work experience. Someone from the careers branch came to the school and checked what we needed and i went from there.
I left school, Cameo took me on and I started going to college one day a week. I'd recommend the Modern Apprenticeship - if you ever want to get your own salon and be able to train apprentices and assess them, or work in college, training to be a beautician next."

call Jo 01743 363 492 for more info or e-mail

1 comment:

Neville Street said...

Blimey I remember putting the Directions Pack together when I worked at Shropshire Chamber of Commerce. We won a PR Week award for it, but it must over ten years ago now - 1998 I think!!!

Did wonders for promoting Modern Apprenticeships in Shropshire. Good on you Hayley :-)